Society owes a great debt to
scientists some of whom have given us great insight into genetics. They have
used their brilliant minds for our benefit, often dedicating long boring hours
to research and committing their lives to investigation. What is it that
motivates them to do this?
They might appear to be super human,
but scientists are very like the rest of us. They have their own foibles and quirks
like any other human beings.
In the first half of the 20th
century the brightest scientists were attracted to working in the fields of
physics and chemistry. During the two World Wars nearly all of them were
recruited into the war effort and great advances in scientific research were
made. However, after the Second World War many scientists felt disillusioned
because their intellect, creativity and work had been used for destructive
purposes. With the cessation of hostilities they found themselves without any job
and having to rethink their future. Many of the brightest ones decided to leave
physics and chemistry and concentrate their efforts in the fields of the life

double helix structure of the DNA and the sequencing the human genome might
have been achieved earlier if it had not been for personality clashes,
disagreements and rivalries which obstructed collaboration.Crick
and James Watson agreed that having the opportunity to exchange ideas and
receive feedback was essential in the path to the discovery of the DNA.
The way
scientists function has a deep effect on the rate at which discoveries are
made. Some scientists choose to work together in teams and share their effort;
others work in competition while others are unwilling to even share their discoveries,
motivated by achieving their own personal glory.
The great
scientific achievement of discovering the structure of DNA was due to a large
extent to the collaboration between Crick and Watson. They spent a lot of time
talking about their ideas to each other. While they were chatting at Cambridge
University, at Kings College London Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin were
not cooperating.

Some scientists, however, displayed
differing ideas that threatened the progress of the project. Many were keen to
achieve the scientific recognition of making an important discovery whilst also
wanting to accommodate the needs of their corporate partners and make money! Craig Venter, who worked independently in the
USA, was one such person. He tried to patent sections of the DNA sequence for
his own financial gain.
In 2000, President Bill Clinton and
Prime Minister Tony Blair agreed on a statement of principle to ensure that
discoveries from the human genome were used for the benefit of human kind. This
really put Craig Venter’s nose out of joint.
Scientists are human beings too, and
have a wide range of reasons for their motivations. Fortunately, some of the
greatest scientists were not interested in making money. We should be grateful
that we have scientists such as John Sulston and Tim Burners Lee who gave us
the World Wide Web. Humanity owes a lot to these scientists.
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